
Yet Another C++ Template Library


Yactl stand for "Yet Another C++ Template Library". As his name suggest, it is a template based C++ library, wich implement some well-know structure like typelist, tuple or generic pointers. The main idea is to provide common tools for other projects allowing then to share these tools between them, without providing useless ones or tools wich are project-specifics or platform-dependend.
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Beta 1 available
Yes, I successfully finish the package today, so here you have. You can crab it here. The main changes since the alpha are ...

Beta 1 is on the way
Hello everybody. I know it makes 2 months now that this page haven't been updated. The alpha I spooked about last time isn't there either. So, why? ...

Bugs :-(
Well, it seems that bugs already begins to show their head. Yesterday, I firstly had some problems compiling my lib...


The current version of the lib is beta1. This version is intented to be the first API-frozen one. This means that no changes will be made to this until version 1.0. The only changes would be about debugging and optimisations. More...